Tag Archives: relationship sales

Customer-Centric Selling is Not Enough!

It’s been real popular over the years for sellers to define themselves as “customer-centric.”  A search for the term on Amazon yields more than 3,000 book results!  There’s everything from customer-centric selling to marketing to service culture…and I think it’s wrong. What’s wrong with all the focus on customer-centricity?  Being focused on customers is a […]

Getting REAL With Leads Gone Cold

Remember that one prospect?  The one who seemed so promising at first? You hit it off immediately.  They were looking for someone like you.  Your timing was right.  You had a great first meeting, then perhaps another, and then…. Nothing.  Nada.  Zilch. ** crickets chirping ** Now, if this was a real-life, love relationship, what […]

The World’s Most Underrated Sales Expert

The World’s Most Underrated Sales Expert | Dan Smaida | Pulse | LinkedIn Here’s an excerpt from my book “Love and Selling” and a topic I’m passionate about – how to make relationships work better in sales.  In the book, I go deeper into how to apply Chapman’s work to your own selling…and all your […]